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Anuragamu leni - Tyagaraja Lyrics(Eng)


anurāgamu1 lēni manasuna sujñānamu rādu
To that person’s mind, which has no divine love (towards the Lord), true knowledge will not be attainable.


ghanulaina yantarjñānulakerukē2,3 kāni (anu)
Only such great personages, who are inward looking, have this (real) knowledge; otherwise, to that person’s mind which has no divine love, real knowledge will not be attainable.


vaga vagagā bhujiyiñcē vāriki tṛptiyau rīti
saguṇa dhyānamu4 paini saukhyamu tyāgarāja nuta
In the same manner as satiation is experienced by those who taste varieties of food items, so is the comfort (experienced) in meditating on Lord with form, O One praised by Thyagaraja!


  • 2 antarjñānulaku & antarajñulaku


  • 1anurāgamu - Couplets of Narada Bhakti Sutras 2 - 6, 51 and 55:
    “That (Divine Love) is of the nature of supreme Love of God.(2) And in its own intrinsic nature, Divine Love is nothing less than the immortal bliss of freedom (mukti) itself, which comes unsolicited by the grace of God and by self-sacrifice.(3) Gaining that, man realises his perfection and divinity and becomes thoroughly contended.(4) Realising that, man becomes intoxicated and fascinated, as it were, because he is completely immersed in the enjoyment of the bliss of the Atman, the truest and highest self.(6) The intrinsic nature of love is incapable of being described precisely.(51) Attaining that (prēma svarūpa – intrinsic nature of Love) one sees and hears only that and thinks only that.”(55) (Translation by Swami Tyagaisananda)
    • Ramakrishna Paramahamsa illustrates ‘single minded love’ (anurāga) through a story about Hanuman. “Once Hanuman came to Dwaraka and wanted to see Sita and Rama. Krishna said to Rukmini, His queen, ‘You had better assume the form of Sita; otherwise there will be no escape from the hands of Hanuman'” (because Rama and Sita were Hanuman’s chosen ideals).
  • 3eruka – Same as ‘sujñāna’ given in Pallavi.
  • 4saguṇa dhyānamu paini saukhyamu – The satiation experienced by the one who tasted varieties of food items cannot be expressed; so also the comfort derived from the meditation on the Lord with form (qualities) cannot be expressed. It is only to be experienced. Please see Narada Bhakti Sutra - SlOka 4 – ‘tṛptō bhavati’ (contended) – and Sloka 51 - ‘anirvacanīyam’ – (not possible to describe).

Anuragamu leni - Tyagaraja Lyrics(Eng)

Learn English Vocabulary & Help the Poor| Vocaulary |<><><><><>Free download annamayya annamacarya top popular audio video songs lyrics music sung by bala subrahmanyam murali krishna prasad mangalampalli priya sisters nitya santoshini sobha raju SP sailaja etc